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Past Events
 23.-24.11.2018 University of Bern
SWIP CH Networking Conference
see event details
 19.11.2018 University of Bern  "On Respecting Animals, or Can Animals be Wronged Without Being Harmed?" (2017) Workshop (d/e) with Dr. Angela Martin (University of Fribourg) see event details
 05.11.2018 University of Bern  "Against the Family: Personal Relationships and the Liberal State" Workshop (d/e) with Dr. Sabine Hohl (University of Bern) see event details
 16.10.2018 University of Lucerne
Public Evening Lecture "The Rights of Women and the Equal Rights of Men" with Prof. Dr. Karen Green (University of Melbourne)
see event details
 13.09.2018 University of Bern
Public Evening Lecture "What a Mother's Got to Do" with Prof. Dr. Fiona Woollard (University of Southampton)
see event details
 25.04.2018 University of Bern "State-Sponsored Injustice: Beyond the Agent-Structure Binary" Workshop (g/e) with Dr. Jennifer Page (University of Zurich) see event details
 24.05.2018 University of Zurich "Why do women leave philosophy? First results of an exploratory study" Evening lecture (in German) with Prof. Dr. Catherine Herfeld (University of Zurich) see event details
 19.-20.04.2018 University of Geneva "Women and philosophy in the ancient world" Two-day Conference on ancient philosophy organised by Manuela Migliorati and Laurent Cesalli
see event details.
 28.03.2018 University of Bern "Theories of domination within the family in the tradition of modern natural law: historical and feminist perspectives of interpretation" Workshop (g/e/f) with Prof. Dr. Simone Zurbuchen (University of Lausanne)
see event details.
 28.02.2018 University of Bern "Feminist readings of Thomas Hobbes" Workshop (g/e/f) with Laetitia Ramelet (University of Lausanne) see event details
 14.12.2017 University of Bern
"The Human Right to Democracy" Lecture by Prof. Dr. Samantha Besson (University of Fribourg) see event details
 05.12.2017 University of Lucerne
"Gelebte Erfahrung und Philosophischer Zweifel" Lecture by Dr. Donata Schoeller (Koblenz/Chicago/Zürich)  see event details
 27.-28.11.2017 University of Berne "Hard Cases and Rational Choice" Conference with a.o. Ruth Chang (Rutgers University) and Catherine Herfeld (University of Zurich) see event details
 22.11.2017 University of Bern
Reading workshop "Responsibility for Believing" with Prof. Dr. Anne Meylan (University of Basel) see event details
 15.-16.11.2017 University of Zurich
"The Sense of Justice, Public Duty, and Private Interest in the Age of Trump" SVRSP Rousseau Lectures
see event details
 26.10.2017 University of Zurich
"Toleranz und Laizität" Lecture by Prof. Dr. Simone Zurbuchen Pittlik (University of Lausanne)
see event details
 25.-27.10.2017 University of Basel
"Self-Deception: what it is and what it's worth" Workshop organised within the SNF-funded "Cognitive Irrationality Project" (University of Basel)
see event details
 19.10.2017 University of Bern
"Aristotle's Reasonable Democratic Citizens" Lecture by Dr. Georgia Tsouni (University of Bern) see event details
 16.10.2017 University of Lucerne
"Publicity and Transparency as Requirements in Public Affairs" Lecture by Prof. Sandrine Baume (University of Lausanne) see event details
 05.10.2017 University of Zurich
"Verbindliche Pluralität. Eine Zumutung"? Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christine Abbt (University of Luzern) see event details
University of Bern
Co-sponsored PLEP Talk: "Being Sure of Each Other: The Ethics and Politics of Sociability" see event details
University of Bern Establishment of the Society for Women in Philosophy Switzerland see event details
University of Bern Feminist Debates: Discussion with Prof. Dr. Patricia Purtschert see event details
University of Bern PhD Infoday see event details