
SWIP CH Networking Conference

Friday, 2018/11/23 - Saturday, 2018/11/24

We are thrilled to announce that the inaugural SWIP CH Networking Conference will take place on 23-24 November 2018 in Bern!

This event has the goal to connect philosophers working in Switzerland by creating a space where they can network, share their work, and receive feedbacks. The conference hopes to facilitate synergies in current and future philosophical research across Switzerland by providing students of all levels the opportunity to learn about the work of philosophers in Switzerland and thereby get to know future supervisors and topics, as well as share and develop their ideas and projects. Additionally, it has the overall aim of promoting the visibility of women working in philosophy in Switzerland.

The conference will include 12 presentations from established philosophers working at Swiss universities. They will give a short presentation of their current topic of study and present a brief review of their field of research. These philosophers include: Angelika Krebs (University of Basel), Katrin Meyer (Universities Basel and Zurich), Anne Meylan (University of Zurich), Samia Hurst-Majno (University of Geneva), Patricia Purtschert (University of Bern), Nadja El Kassar (ETH Zurich), Katerina Ierodiakonou (Universities Geneva and Athens), Simone Zurbuchen (University of Lausanne), Anna Goppel (University of Bern), Christine Abbt (University of Lucerne), Angela Martin (University of Fribourg), Federica Gregoratto (University of St. Gallen).

***For the full program of the conference see below. You can also find the program flyer (PDF) in the documents section below.***

The conference will be accompanied by a Poster Exhibition that will offer the opportunity for university students at all levels (from bachelor to doctoral candidates, as well as PostDocs) to present their work to a wider audience.

***Call for Posters***

Project abstracts (max. 1 page) can be sent for blind review until 25 October (*deadline extended*) to We will accept abstracts in German, English, and French. The call for posters is open to students on all levels (from bachelor to doctoral candidates, as well as Postdocs) from all institutes, who are working on a philosophical project. In order for us to conduct a blind review of your work, please make sure to send the abstract in a separate document from the document containing your contact information. We will inform you if you have been selected in the last week of October. You will get further information about the poster with this confirmation mail. Posters of the selected abstracts will be due by 10 November. In case you are unsure as to how to make a research poster, you can find some poster examples from members of the Bernese Graduate School of the Humanities here: Examples Research Posters for Humanities

If you are interested in participating please register until October 31st (*deadline extended*) via email to

This event is public and will take place at the University of Bern / Unitobler (Lerchenweg 36). It is financially supported by the Office for Gender Equality (AfG) und dem Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Research Network (IPN) of the University of Bern.

Organisational Team: Melanie Altanian (University of Bern), Stephanie Deig (University of Bern), Jahel Manz (University of Bern), Tanja Rechnitzer (University of Bern), Laetitia Ramelet (University of Lausanne), Leire Urricelqui (University of Lucerne), Karen Poertzgen (Universität Bern).

Event organizer: SWIP CH
Speaker: Diverse
Date: 2018/11/23 - 2018/11/24
Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Locality: F023
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge
Friday, 23rd November Saturday, 24th November
09:30–10:00 Registration & Coffee  10:00–10:15 Registration & Coffee
10:00–10:15 Welcome  10:15–11:00 Katerina Ierodiakonou 

Studying Ancient Philosophy in the 21st Century 

10:15–11:00 Angelika Krebs 

Das Weltbild der Igel 

11:15–12:00 Simone Zurbuchen 

La famille, un sujet négligé de la philosophie politique 

11:15–12:00 Katrin Meyer 

Demokratie, Nation und das Frauenstimmrecht 

12:05–12:50 Anna Goppel 

Friendship and Reasons: How Personal Relationships Impact the Normative Relevance of the Good Life  

13:45–14:30 Anne Meylan 

In Defence of the Pragmatist Solution to Cases of Doxastic Divergence  

14:15–15:00 Christine Abbt 

,Fremd- und Vieltun‘. Zur Verwirklichung demokratischer Freiheit 

14:35–15:20 Samia Hurst 


15:15–16:00 Angela Martin 

On What We Owe to Animals 

15:35–16:20 Patricia Purtschert 

Decolonizing Gender 

16:05–16:50 Federica Gregoratto 

Erotic Love as Freedom

16:25–17:10 Nadja El Kassar 

Symptoms of Ignorance 

17:10–20:00 Networking Apéro with Poster Exhibition