Feminist Philosophy Reading Group

Program Bern Autumn 2018/19

Mondays, 6:15-7:45pm, Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Monday, 24 September Can Third Wave Feminism Be Inclusive? Intersectionality, It's Problems and New Directions (2007) by Naomi Zack
Monday, 8 October Social exclusion in academia through biases in methodological quality evaluation: On the situation of women in science and philosophy (2015) by Anna Leuschner
Monday, 22 October

Understanding Epistemic Normativity in Feminist Epistemology (2014) by Heidi Grasswick

Monday, 5 November Against the Family: Personal Relationships and the Liberal State. Reading Workshop with Dr. Sabine Hohl (University of Bern)
Monday, 19 November

On Respecting Animals, or Can Animals be Wronged Without Being Harmed? (2017). Reading Workshop with Dr. Angela Martin (University of Fribourg)

Monday, 3 December Freiheit - Selbstbestimmung - Autonomie. (2018) Reading Workshop with Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer (University of Basel)


Program Zurich Autumn 2018/19

Tuesdays, 4:15-6:00pm at room KO2-F-157, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 71. Registration at: swip.switzerland@gmail.com



Tuesday, 25 September Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 1, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 9 October Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 2, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 23 October Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 3, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 6 November On Misogynoir. Citation, Erasure, and Plagiarism, by Moya Bailey & Trudy
Tuesday, 20 November Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You're so Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You, by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick:
Tuesday, 4 December Performative Acts and Gender Constitution. An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, by Judith Butler


Program Bern Spring 2018

Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45pm, Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Wednesday, 28 February Feminist readings of Thomas Hobbes. Reading workshop (g/e/f) with Laetitia Ramelet (University of Lausanne)
Wednesday, 14 March Objectivity, Diversity, and Uptake: On the Status of Women in Philosophy (2017) by Michelle Ciurria
Wednesday, 28 March Theories of domination within the family in the tradition of modern natural law: historical and feminist perspectives of interpretation. Reading workshop (g/e/f) with Prof. Dr. Simone Zurbuchen (University of Lausanne)
Wednesday, 11 April Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability (1989) by Susan Wendell
Wednesday, 25 April

State-Sponsored Injustice: The Case of Eugenic Sterilization. Reading workshop (g/e) with Dr. Jennifer Page (University of Zurich)

Wednesday, 9 May Feminism in epistemology: Pluralism without postmodernism (2006) by Miranda Fricker
Wednesday, 23 May Woman as a Politically Significant Term: A Solution to the Puzzle (2016) by Esa Diaz-Leon


Program Lucerne Spring 2018 

Sara Ahmed Reading Group: "Living a Feminist Life" (2017)

First meeting: Friday, 16 February, 6pm in room 3.B57 at the University of Lucerne, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne (3rd floor). In case of interest please contact: leyre.urricelqui@unilu.ch (organiser) or swip.switzerland@gmail.com

Second meeting: Friday, 9 March, 6pm


Program Zurich Spring 2018 

Tuesdays, 4:15-5:45pm, Philosophie-Fachvereinszimmer (KOL-F-116a), University of Zurich, Rämistrasse  71, 8006 Zurich (Floor F). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Tuesday, 27 February Gender and Race: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them To Be? by Sally Haslanger
Tuesday, 13 March What Knowledge Is and What It Ought To Be: Feminist Values and Normative Epistemology. by Sally Haslanger
Tuesday, 27 March

Ontology and Social Construction. by Sally Haslanger

Tuesday, 10 April Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Tuesday, 24 April

Stop Thinking So Much About 'Sexual Harassment'. by Jennifer Saul

Tuesday, 08 May Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat, and Women in Philosophy. by Jennifer Saul
Tuesday, 22 May

Kolonialisierte Körper und Köpfe. by Oyeronke Oyewumi

Program Bern Autumn 2017

Wednesdays, 6-8pm (except Special Session 4-6pm), Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy
Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland[at]gmail.com.



Wednesday, 27 September Stop Thinking So Much About "Sexual Harrassment" (2014) by Jennifer Saul
Wednesday, 11 October Gender Justice v. The “Invisible Hand” of Gender Bias in Law and Society (2016) by Elizabeth Beaumont
Wednesday, 25 October Five Faces Of Oppression (2004) by Iris Marion Young
Wednesday, 8 November Toward a Field of Intersectionality Studies: Theory, Applications, and Praxis (2013) by Sumi Cho, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw and Leslie McCall
Wednesday, 22 November / Special Session (4-6pm)

Reading Workshop with Prof. Dr. Anne Meylan (University of Basel) on the topic of "Responsibility for Believing"


Readings SWIP Bern

  • Rejecting Beliefs, or Rejecting Believers? On the Importance and Exclusion of Women in Philosophy. Author: Geoffrey S. Holtzman, 2016.
  • Epistemic Justice and Democratic Legitimacy. Author: Susan Dieleman, 2015.
  • Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism. Author: Uma Narayan, 1998.
  • Women, Welfare and the Politics of Need Interpretation. Author: Nancy Fraser, 1987.
  • Gender Concepts and Intuitions. Author: Mari Mikkola, 2009.
  • Cases of Value Judgments in Science: A General Argument, with Lessons from a Case Study of Feminist Research on Divorce. Author: Elizabeth Anderson, 2004.

Program Bern Autumn 2018/19

Mondays, 6:15-7:45pm, Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Monday, 24 September Can Third Wave Feminism Be Inclusive? Intersectionality, It's Problems and New Directions (2007) by Naomi Zack
Monday, 8 October Social exclusion in academia through biases in methodological quality evaluation: On the situation of women in science and philosophy (2015) by Anna Leuschner
Monday, 22 October

Understanding Epistemic Normativity in Feminist Epistemology (2014) by Heidi Grasswick

Monday, 5 November Against the Family: Personal Relationships and the Liberal State. Reading Workshop with Dr. Sabine Hohl (University of Bern)
Monday, 19 November

On Respecting Animals, or Can Animals be Wronged Without Being Harmed? (2017). Reading Workshop with Dr. Angela Martin (University of Fribourg)

Monday, 3 December Freiheit - Selbstbestimmung - Autonomie. (2018) Reading Workshop with Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer (University of Basel)


Program Zurich Autumn 2018/19

Tuesdays, 4:15-6:00pm at room KO2-F-157, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 71. Registration at: swip.switzerland@gmail.com



Tuesday, 25 September Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 1, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 9 October Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 2, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 23 October Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Chap. 3, by Kate Manne
Tuesday, 6 November On Misogynoir. Citation, Erasure, and Plagiarism, by Moya Bailey & Trudy
Tuesday, 20 November Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You're so Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You, by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick:
Tuesday, 4 December Performative Acts and Gender Constitution. An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, by Judith Butler


Program Bern Spring 2018

Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45pm, Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Wednesday, 28 February Feminist readings of Thomas Hobbes. Reading workshop (g/e/f) with Laetitia Ramelet (University of Lausanne)
Wednesday, 14 March Objectivity, Diversity, and Uptake: On the Status of Women in Philosophy (2017) by Michelle Ciurria
Wednesday, 28 March Theories of domination within the family in the tradition of modern natural law: historical and feminist perspectives of interpretation. Reading workshop (g/e/f) with Prof. Dr. Simone Zurbuchen (University of Lausanne)
Wednesday, 11 April Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability (1989) by Susan Wendell
Wednesday, 25 April

State-Sponsored Injustice: The Case of Eugenic Sterilization. Reading workshop (g/e) with Dr. Jennifer Page (University of Zurich)

Wednesday, 9 May Feminism in epistemology: Pluralism without postmodernism (2006) by Miranda Fricker
Wednesday, 23 May Woman as a Politically Significant Term: A Solution to the Puzzle (2016) by Esa Diaz-Leon


Program Lucerne Spring 2018 

Sara Ahmed Reading Group: "Living a Feminist Life" (2017)

First meeting: Friday, 16 February, 6pm in room 3.B57 at the University of Lucerne, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne (3rd floor). In case of interest please contact: leyre.urricelqui@unilu.ch (organiser) or swip.switzerland@gmail.com

Second meeting: Friday, 9 March, 6pm


Program Zurich Spring 2018 

Tuesdays, 4:15-5:45pm, Philosophie-Fachvereinszimmer (KOL-F-116a), University of Zurich, Rämistrasse  71, 8006 Zurich (Floor F). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.



Tuesday, 27 February Gender and Race: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them To Be? by Sally Haslanger
Tuesday, 13 March What Knowledge Is and What It Ought To Be: Feminist Values and Normative Epistemology. by Sally Haslanger
Tuesday, 27 March

Ontology and Social Construction. by Sally Haslanger

Tuesday, 10 April Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Tuesday, 24 April

Stop Thinking So Much About 'Sexual Harassment'. by Jennifer Saul

Tuesday, 08 May Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat, and Women in Philosophy. by Jennifer Saul
Tuesday, 22 May

Kolonialisierte Körper und Köpfe. by Oyeronke Oyewumi

Program Bern Autumn 2017

Wednesdays, 6-8pm (except Special Session 4-6pm), Room B225 ("Aquarium") at the Institute of Philosophy
Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49a, 3012 Bern (2nd floor). For texts please email us: swip.switzerland[at]gmail.com.



Wednesday, 27 September Stop Thinking So Much About "Sexual Harrassment" (2014) by Jennifer Saul
Wednesday, 11 October Gender Justice v. The “Invisible Hand” of Gender Bias in Law and Society (2016) by Elizabeth Beaumont
Wednesday, 25 October Five Faces Of Oppression (2004) by Iris Marion Young
Wednesday, 8 November Toward a Field of Intersectionality Studies: Theory, Applications, and Praxis (2013) by Sumi Cho, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw and Leslie McCall
Wednesday, 22 November / Special Session (4-6pm)

Reading Workshop with Prof. Dr. Anne Meylan (University of Basel) on the topic of "Responsibility for Believing"


Readings SWIP Bern

  • Rejecting Beliefs, or Rejecting Believers? On the Importance and Exclusion of Women in Philosophy. Author: Geoffrey S. Holtzman, 2016.
  • Epistemic Justice and Democratic Legitimacy. Author: Susan Dieleman, 2015.
  • Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism. Author: Uma Narayan, 1998.
  • Women, Welfare and the Politics of Need Interpretation. Author: Nancy Fraser, 1987.
  • Gender Concepts and Intuitions. Author: Mari Mikkola, 2009.
  • Cases of Value Judgments in Science: A General Argument, with Lessons from a Case Study of Feminist Research on Divorce. Author: Elizabeth Anderson, 2004.