
"State-Sponsored Injustice: The Case of Eugenic Sterilization" mit Dr. Jennifer Page

Mittwoch, 25.04.2018, 18:15 Uhr

Veranstaltungsplakat "State-Sponsored Injustice"

In dieser Sitzung der Feminist Philosophy Lesegruppe diskutieren wir gemeinsam mit Dr. Jennifer Page (Universität Zürich) ihren Aufsatz: "State-Sponsored Injustice: The Case of Eugenic Sterilization". Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch und Deutsch durchgeführt. Um die Texte zu erhalten, meldet euch bei uns: swip.switzerland@gmail.com.

Abstract: What is state-sponsored injustice? In analytic political philosophy, it is common to view state-sponsored injustice as the work of a corporate agent. But as I argue, structural injustice theory provides grounds for reassessing the agential view of the state, producing new insights into statesponsored injustice. Through the example of eugenic sterilization in the United States, this article outlines a structurally-sensitive conception of state-sponsored injustice with six components: authorization, protection, systemization, execution, enablement, and norm- and belief-influence. Iris Marion Young’s models of responsibility for agential and structural injustice, and the place of state-sponsored injustice with respect to these models, are also discussed.

Veranstaltende: SWIP Bern
Datum: 25.04.2018
Uhrzeit: 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr
Ort: B225 ("Aquarium"), 2. OG
Unitobler, Institut für Philosophie
Länggassstrasse 49a
3012 Bern
Merkmale: Öffentlich